This blog has been written by Nikki Fischr, Personal Trainer and Admin Manager at Unique Results.
I am sure that at some point in your life you’ve had to make a plan. Whether it was for a holiday, property renovation, big event or work meeting, by having a plan in place I’m sure the preparation went smoothly and the event was a huge success.
The benefits of planning
Planning allows you to be prepared, proactive and less stressed. You will virtually always get a better final result when planning ahead. You’ll feel more in control, no more running around not knowing where to turn to, no more split second decisions which may not turn out to be the right ones.
So how many of us use the skills we have of planning when it comes to our health and fitness?

You would think that as we all lead such busy lives we would plan time into our day/week for training, for taking some time out and for eating nutritious food that would improve our wellbeing, but for a large majority of us, that’s not the case.
We see this as an issue for so many of our members, and non members, so have created a process that everyone can follow and will certainly benefit from.
The Unique Results 4Fs Coaching Process
The 4Fs Coaching Process will help you focus and plan your training, mindset and nutrition. It will set the foundation for you to then work towards your long term goals.
Picture a bar stool that has a seat and three legs.
The seat is your FOUNDATION, your health and fitness
Leg 1 represents FOOD – your diet/nutrition
Leg 2 represents FOCUS – your mindset and mental health
Leg 3 represents FITNESS – your movement/exercise
If you were to remove one of the legs from the stool, what would happen? The stool would fall over.
This would be the same for your health and fitness goals (and more broadly your life). You would struggle to achieve your specific goal with one or more of the legs (key components) missing.
We have taken the 4F Coaching Process (which we will be using in an ongoing capacity with all of our members) and created a 28 Day Programme which will run alongside our current on-boarding Foundations Programme for all new members and be available as a stand alone 28 Day Programme for our current members as well.
By going through the programme you will take one day at a time, ensuring each key component is addressed which will gradually build into a habit. By the end of the 28 days you will have three strong and solid legs to take you forward and beyond the 28 days and towards your goal(s).
Leg 1 – FOOD
As I explained earlier planning is the key. Plan your food. Knowing what you are going to eat today, tomorrow and the next day will only make life easier.

Only buy the ingredients you need to make your meals and even prepare them as much as you can to save on time. Avoid those moments when you enter the supermarket and have no idea what to buy, which usually ends up with bad purchases. Eat a balanced, varied and tasty diet so you don’t get bored.
The best way to do this
We highly recommend you use our UR online nutrition system. The system is not about strict diets, slashing calories and food restriction.
By following the plan, eating a set number of units (calculated by the system), eating normal everyday food, your body will be placed in a small calorie deficit which will produce a gradual weight loss. This gradual weight loss of a few pounds per week will help you ensure it never comes back. It took months/years to get where you are today and it could take the same to get where you want to be.
As the calorie deficit will be small your body will adapt easily and not feel deprived or hungry. As your weight reduces the system recalculates the number of units you need placing you in a calorie deficit again so the weight loss can continue.
Leg 2 – FOCUS
With more demands on our time from work and personal stresses it is extremely important that we take some time for ourselves and get a good nights sleep so that our bodies can recover and rejuvenate.

Planning 5-10 minutes a day quiet time or mediation is great for the mind body and soul.
Introducing a bedtime routine, avoiding electronic devices at least 1 hour before bed, winding down from your busy day will certainly improve the quality of your sleep.
We recommend using the ‘Headspace’ app to guide your quiet, mindful time each day. It’s a great way to start building the habit in as little as 5 minutes each day.
Now the fitness component doesn’t just involve what you do in the gym, it includes your exercise and movement every day. Look to move more outside of the gym environment and in your daily life. Increase your daily step count, include mobility and stretches in your daily routine to improve your movement and ability to perform exercises within the gym.
At UR we’ve got you well covered with regards to all aspects of your fitness needs with classes and sessions focussed on strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health and conditioning.
If you plan on these three components every week you will improve your health and fitness and achieve your goals
Follow the plan, be consistent, reap the rewards