The atmosphere is fantastic!
I have been a member of UR for approximately 3 ½ years and have enjoyed every moment, there is no doubt in my mind I came to the best gym in Chelmsford. The moment you walk through the doors the trainers made you feel so welcome and knew you by name instantly which totally took me by surprise.The community in the gym is fantastic and I have made lots of friends at the gym but also some very special lifelong friends, who would have thought this would happen in my local gym?
The atmosphere is fantastic and the morale and support from trainers and all gym members is unreal, never have I seen this in a gym before all thanks to James and his team. One of the things that strikes me is that every member is from all walks of life and all ages. I am friends with members who in other environments the friendships may not have happened and I am sure people think Jesus that Wendy is something else. Since being at the gym I have been able to improve my strength training enormously, who thought that I could deadlift 122 ½ KGs or one hand swing for 5 minutes continuously with 177 swings or deadlift kettlebells of 92kg. I have been able to take part in the tactical strength challenge a few times and URs own challenge with the encouragement of all the trainers & members. I have attended all the walking weekends since I joined UR which I have thoroughly enjoyed and anyone who debated doing these they are a long walk taken at the member’s paces where you can walk, chat & socialise and enjoy a few gins with in the evening.
Wendy Bartram
Unique Results is like no other gym!
I joined Unique Results in January of 2018. I had been considering joining a gym for a very long time but had not been brave enough to take the leap. My confidence was at an all-time low, I hadn’t exercised in any structured form for many years, I was concerned about my health and the longer I had left making a change the harder it became. A very common story I know, but then I was lucky enough to stumble across something that is certainly not common place in any way. Unique Results….
the clues in the title!I know it’s been said many times, but Unique Results is like no other gym. From the first time I walked through the door I was greeted by my name and a reassuring smile. Trainers and members alike welcomed and encouraged me.
My reasons for joining Unique Results were to feel healthy, to have more energy and the standard weight loss wish. I have achieved all of these but did not foresee the many other benefits that would come my way. Self-confidence, stronger mental health, a sense of community, friendship and fun nights out.
Debbie Lynn

Everyone is so friendly!
UR is such a welcoming place, from the minute you step through the door. James explained the Foundation Program and we soon got started, even in the first couple of visits there were a few new experiences for me…Using a treadmill, holding a plank (badly at that point), and stepping on the scales in front of someone else!
UR is much more than a gym, or a route to weight loss, James and the team genuinely have created a community, everyone is so friendly, helpful, and supportive.
Matt Wilson

I began to feel stronger!
“I retired from education six years ago but then got involved in a house-building project which was all-consuming. At the end of 2017 the project was almost complete and I could take a more objective view of my health and fitness. Old habits were difficult to shake, namely the biscuit tin, but over time I have become rather more disciplined and motivated.
Any previous attempts of attending a gym in the evenings were based around individual exercise, most often rowing and the cross trainer with a circuit of high rep weights. However, it doesn’t take much to decide you are too tired and there’s football on the box!
I was worried about circuit training and spinning in particular because I felt so unfit. Was there a defibrillator nearby? I felt I was probably beyond regaining any sort of fitness. But I surprised myself.
A tough first few weeks but then I began to feel stronger, lost a good amount of weight and have rather more energy. I have a number of creaking joints and have to compromise on some things but overall I feel so much better.
Why did it take so long to make a lifestyle change? Having time to prioritise my fitness helped. Also having fewer other activities and responsibilities that always came first. Most of all though it has been the encouragement and the motivating influence of Unique Results and the fantastic team of instructors, along with the camaraderie and friendliness of other members seeking to achieve similar things. I rediscovered motivation. UR is amazingly welcoming and friendly. The support and involvement has been helping to see me through some very difficult times and I am so appreciative of that.“
Mick Southgate

I am now stronger, fitter and leaner!
“I joined UR in January 2016 on the Rewind Challenge. I was one of 8 ladies and trained twice a week over a three week course I was so impressed with the results! and with my impending retirement looming in March 2016 I knew I had found a purpose to get out of bed in the morning.
Since then I have got into the swing of things with weekly classes and spinning which I love. Kettlebells then became the next passion. I have taken part in a 10,000 Swing Challenge and will never forget the morning of Christmas Eve when I had only 250 more swings to go when trainer Mark Laybourn was there supporting me making sure I was hinging correctly, then a small group of members started counting me down towards the finish. It was such an emotional and happy time in my life, you just wouldn’t get that support and love anywhere else. I sometimes have that “I can’t do that!” attitude but having great trainers on my side with encouragement and support I have exceeded in all aspects!! having fully embraced the UR Strength Challenge – I am now stronger, fitter and leaner and its all thanks to this wonderful community. I just wish I had found Unique Results a lot earlier in my life.”
Julia Childs

So, my 6 year anniversary as a Unique Results member happened on 27 December 2023, and I really wanted to say thanks for my journey so far.
Weirdly, like my 1 year anniversary post on 1 January 2019, I was on holiday in the UAE and wearing orange on the actual anniversary date – it clearly shows I am a creature of habit, if not consistency 🙂
This new photo really brought home to me the longer term benefits of consistent training, movement and activity – for me to wear a dress, let alone a more fitted, shorter dress means I have more confidence in my appearance and carry myself better, which are things I have struggled with in the past.
Unique Results is such an important part of my life now – it is just there as a part of me and I can’t imagine it not being there, and I actually get quite emotional when I talk about it to others. Yes, I have had some ups and downs health wise, but I am convinced my improved physical condition has helped me recover more quickly.
I am still amazed at how much there is still to learn every week – a new technique, more/different weights, more reps, a new spin playlist (!) or something specific to focus on. And always the best advice amongst like minded people – both trainers and members, who I can honestly call friends.
So thank you James and UR for making this a life change, not just a lifestyle change, and happy anniversary to me xxx
Suz May

Love this place!
“I answered a post on Facebook looking for women over 50 who didn’t do regular exercise ! I went along to the 28 day rewind program in November. I am now attending 3 times a week. I love the gym and the people. Having been a member of a very well known commercial gym in Chelmsford where my membership card never left my car I can say Unique Results is the best ever gym. I highly recommend UR! No uncomfortable moments just welcome and workouts/classes tailored to suit every ability! Plus no posers!”
Jenny Retallic

The friendliest gym that I have ever been to!
This is the friendliest gym I’ve ever been to. Everyone including the excellent trainers and members encourage you to do your best! I never thought I would plan my social life around what I want to do at the gym, but I do now. The atmosphere is great, what ever your ability!
Sally Gatrell

They adapt what they do!
“I have been a member since November 2016. I never thought I would turn down a night out because it means missing Boxing or Gym Circuits but I do, regularly. Trainers are brilliant. They adapt what they do to take account of all our little (and not so little) foibles – but we are all pushed out of our comfort zones. Â That doesn’t happen in larger gyms. Everyone knows everyone else and everyone is super encouraging. All in all it is a fantastic place to get fit; make friends and have fun!”
Jo Lilliott

I can deadlift my own body weight!
The last 18 months has been life changing for me, this may sound dramatic but I feel invigorated and have a zest for life which left me in my early 30’s.
I have climbed a mountain in torrential rain, I can do a push up or two, a flexed arm hang, I can deadlift my own body weight, spin for 18km, hold a plank and swing a kettlebell. I may still wobble, but there is a core of steel under there!
Tara Mann

Beginners are always welcomed and helped!
Most friendly and professional gym I’ve ever had the pleasure to train at. From the moment you enter you are greeted with “hello Paul” yes they all know your first name and that’s not just the staff but also the other clients working away. There are a varied amount of different classes running throughout the day and evening for all skill levels, beginners are always welcomed and helped. The personal training session are refined to your personal needs and I would highly recommend them. The equipment is all top grade, including a complete new set of spinning bikes. Just a great place to hang out and the coffee isn’t bad either
Paul Southgate

They really do care!
I joined in July 2018 expecting to walk into a gym like most others. UR is different for many reasons – The time and effort ALL the trainers dedicate to the members is astonishing. They really do care and want the members to achieve their goals. The classes are superb, never repetitive. One of the benefits of having a cap on the number of members means the classes are small and each participant receives targeted advice ensuring no injuries. The members are fantastic. Everyone encourages and includes – no exceptions. The equipment is fantastic, something for everyone. I cannot recommend UR any more highly. You will not be disappointed and you will want to go as often as possible – no more wasted membership fee’s!
Alex Nicoll Bennett

7″ drop in waistline!
For many years I have lived what can only be described as a sedentary lifestyle. Doing little sport, going to the gym periodically and losing interest after a month or two. Only to go through the same frustrating cycle six months or so later.
Now nearly a year on I can say to myself that I have made significant progress, I have lost about 15-20lbs, which may not sound like much over a year, but coupled with a 7″ drop in waistline a dramatically lowered resting heart rate significantly increased strength and muscular mass the change is very noticeable.
But the biggest change is I actually look forward to training. I find myself annoyed from time to time when circumstances beyond my control prevent me from training; I never thought that would happen.
Duncan Wiseman

No showboating, no judgement, no arrogance!
“I have been a member of Unique Results for 3 years now, attending kettlebell and boxing classes and PT sessions every week – something I never thought I’d say, having signed up and left so many other uninspiring/impersonal gyms in the past. Unique results is a completely different atmosphere – there is no showboating, no judgment, no arrogance.
It is a bunch of lovely trainers who absolutely have your best interests at heart; they know every single members name, know what you are trying to achieve, know what you are struggling with and work with you to get the best results for you. The members are the same – everyone talks to each other, cheers each other on, shares stories. I can honestly say I consider the trainers and other members as friends who I look forward to catching up with every week; although I push myself and have seen great results, it never feels like hard work going to UR because I enjoy it so much.”
Jo Pearce