10 Old School Nutrition Tips for Strength and Health.

Over the last few years I have been introduced to an American writer called Brooks Kubik. I first listened to a series of podcasts he recorded for Strength Matters. I then went on to buy and read a number of his books including ‘Dinosaur Training’ ‘Knife, Fork, Muscle’ and ‘Strength, Muscle and Power’. Brooks is […]

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Cholesterol Aware.

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fatty substance in our blood, which is produced naturally in the liver. Everyone has cholesterol. We need it to stay healthy because every cell in our body uses it. Some of this cholesterol comes from the food that we eat. There are two main types of cholesterol – one is […]

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The Mind Is A Powerful Thing.

Today’s blog has been written by Nikki Fischr  – Admin Manager and Personal Trainer here at Unique Results. So what is MINDSET? The dictionary definition is – the established set of attitudes held by someone. There are two main types of mindset – FIXED and GROWTH Most people have a FIXED mindset and these people […]

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Nutrition and Hydration.

This blog has been written by Nikki Fischr, Personal Trainer and Admin Manager here at Unique Results. Nutrition and Hydration Week is an annual event which started back in 2012 (14th – 20th March 2022) with a shared objective to highlight, promote and celebrate improvements in the provision of nutrition and hydration locally, nationally and […]

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Do You Stretch Everyday?

Do you wake up in the morning with muscles feeling tight from the previous days activities, or during the day when performing a task, do you feel your movement is restricted and lacks range? If this is you then you should consider introducing stretching into your daily routine and if you partake in any type […]

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Exercise When You’re Not Exercising.

So, exercise when you’re not exercising seems like a good starting point. Can it be done? Is it possible? Doesn’t exercise have to be confined to the gym environment? Well, yes it can be done. It is certainly possible and it most definately doesn’t have to be confined to the gym. Surely any form of […]

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Move well. Move often

Having been in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years now I’ve seen many trends come and go, and some come and stick around. Like fashion, everything seems to be cyclical – if you keep something in your wardrobe long enough it will eventually become ‘trendy’ again (or so I hope). However some […]

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Inspiration Vs Motivation

I was recently at an event where I was asked by another attendee (who knew I operated in the fitness industry) a very thought provoking question:  “Can you motivate me?” he asked, and continued  “I really feel I need someone to motivate me, I feel like I have lost my motivation” This provoked a fascinating conversation […]

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Exercise: Fit For Mental Health

This blog has been written by Aimee Kingsbury; friend of Unique Results. We know that physical exercise can be used to really improve the body’s physical health, but did you know that the impact on mental health could be just as great? 1 in 4 people will suffer a mental health problem at some point […]

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Silver Strength

This blog has been written by Mark Laybourn, Personal Trainer here at Unique Results. Strength training as we age. Any good? Keeping a positive mind and staying active, good idea? Quality of life. Surely a priority for us all, correct? Whether it’s enjoying an interest of any subject, or more special, quality family time (maybe […]

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What Makes Us A Little Different

This blog has been written by James St Pierre, Owner and Personal Trainer at Unique Results. Here’s a question I get asked regularly by many people, what makes Unique Results different to other, regular ‘gyms’? Chelmsford and the surrounding area are littered with gyms, health clubs and fitness centres it’s essential to offer something a […]

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Regain Your Original Strength

I recently listened to a Health Oddity podcast with a guest called Tim Anderson.  It was episode 37 and was called Strength From The Ground Up.  Tim has been a Personal Trainer for over 20 years and is passionate about helping people realise they were created to be strong and healthy. It was a great […]

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5 months a Carnivore

Disclaimer This blog is intended to share my own personal experiences & opinions and is in no way to be taken as advice or recommendation as to what anyone else should try or do. I am NOT an expert within this subject matter so please do your own research, consult with experts and take medical […]

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Ankle mobility – Is there too much stress on other joints?

Knee issues, Hip mobility problems. This could be attributed to limited ankle mobility. If the ankle is lacking in movement then the next joint to rely on for range of motion is the knee joint, then the weight bearing hip joint. These joints can be put under immense pressure. Year after year, with excessive use, […]

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Getting The Balance Right

This blog has been written by Nikki Fischr, Personal Trainer and Admin Manager here at Unique Results. “A work-life balance is the amount of time and focus a person gives their work versus other aspects of their life – whether it’s raising a family, hobbies, relaxation, or anything else” Getting the right work life balance […]

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Are You Getting Enough and Is It Good….

This blog has been written by Nikki Fischr, Personal Trainer and Admin Manager here at Unique Results. I have always felt I was a good sleeper and was pretty much tucked up in bed for 10pm every night, waking at 6am to get ready for work. I would definitely say I am a morning person […]

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12 Ways To Survive The Festive Season

This blog has been written by Nikki Fischr, Personal Trainer and Admin Manager at Unique Results. 2020 has certainly been a strange and very different year and at this time how we will be celebrating and spending Christmas is not clear.  Will we be able to see our entire family or will we just be […]

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The UR 10,000 Swing Challenge.

Some of our regular Kettlebell class attendees have heard me talk for a while about the 10,000 Swing Challenge. The 10k Challenge (to save me keep typing the whole thing) was originally designed, tested and written about by Dan John in his book ‘Never Let Go’ and in a T-Nation blog of the same name. […]

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2020. Don’t look back in anger.

This blog has been written by Mark Laybourn, Personal Trainer, Body Control Pilates Teacher & Sports Massage Therapist here at Unique Results. 2020. An incredibly tough year for us all. Who would of thought that back in 2019 that we’d be moving into a year where we’re stuck inside, nowhere to go, no one to […]

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New Kettlebell Beginners Course

This blog has been written by Russ Thorington, Personal Trainer here at Unique Results. We are excited to announce that the way we teach kettlebells for beginners is changing.  Why:  Much like ‘Pure Strength’ we want people to see a progression in their training and learning at UR. Kettlebells is a great example of how […]

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Gamma Radiation, Bat-copters and The Origins of Unique Results.

Recently while I was training a member she asked me out of the blue “Why did you set up UR and why do you do what you do?” I thought this was a bit of a deep, probing question but it turned out she had just started a programme of executive coaching herself and was […]

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Why ‘WORKING OUT’ isn’t enough when you’re over 40.

This thing that we do (or thing you may be thinking about starting) –  ‘going to the gym or fitness studio’ is given a casual name by many – ‘working out’. The approximate 87% of the UK population who are not a member of a gym/health club/fitness studio have a view of the type of […]

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Less Is Sometimes More.

One of my favourite sayings is: “You can do anything, but you can’t do everything” I have lived this a lot in the last year with my own training and the need to be selective and purposeful with how I choose to spend my valuable time. It would be brilliant to do a little bit […]

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Strong Women

Many women are still apprehensive about lifting heavy for fear of becoming ‘too bulky’. In this article, I’ll highlight some of the many benefits women can expect from strength training and reassure you that you won’t wake up looking like Popeye! You’ll gain strength without bulkAs a woman, it’s almost impossible to bulk up like […]

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Fundamentals of Effective Training

Over the last 6 months I’ve been reviewing the studio and looking at which areas get used the most, which get used the least. Which equipment is popular and which is less so and also the classes and sessions that are best attended and those that regularly get only 1 or 2 members taking part. […]

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Unique Results – 14 years on (and what that means for you).

1stAugust 2021 marks 14 years in business for Unique Results (Chelmsford’s longest established independent training studio/gym). In that time we’ve seen a lot of changes within the health and fitness industry and also within our town (now City) of Chelmsford. The landscape has changed, the population has increased, the choice of places for people to […]

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4 Biscuits, 0 Biscuits or 2 Biscuits? You Decide

This blog has been written by James St Pierre, Owner and Personal Trainer here at Unique Results. I had a great conversation with one of our brilliant members last week around habits, lifestyle and the conflicting approaches of ‘abstinence’ vs ‘moderation’. It was really impactful for me (and hopefully them) and I wanted to share […]

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Exercise: Fit For Mental Health

This blog has been written by Aimee Kingsbury, friend and member of Unique Results. We know that physical exercise can be used to really improve the body’s physical health, but did you know that the impact on mental health could be just as great? 1 in 4 people will suffer a mental health problem at […]

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Recipe For Success

Planning allows you to be prepared, proactive and less stressed. You will virtually always get a better final result when planning ahead. You’ll feel more in control, no more running around not knowing where to turn to, no more split second decisions which may not turn out to be the right ones. […]

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Is Age Only A Number

We all know movement is important when we are kids but what changes as we age? How should we treat exercise as we age and does that ever change no matter how old you are? Is it really just a number? […]

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Calorie Restriction – Unpacking The Research

Mike Sweeney (the Registered Dietitian who works closely with us) recently shared with me this letter he wrote in response to a client’s questions around calories and the role they play in weight loss and weight maintenance. […]

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