Over the last 6 months I’ve been reviewing the studio and looking at which areas get used the most, which get used the least. Which equipment is popular and which is less so and also the classes and sessions that are best attended and those that regularly get only 1 or 2 members taking part. I’ve made a conscious decision to spend more of our income on coaching staff, as I know that’s how we can have the greatest impact and offer you the best service.

The way we coach our members has evolved over the last 12 years (obviously) and now much of the older machine equipment we have is either unused or not nearly as effective as using other methods to do similar movements. We now use far more kettlebells, Swiss balls, resistance bands, barbells, dumbbells and bodyweight movements which are far better for your body and your development than sitting on a machine. Also 95% of the time the amount of space we have is massively under used (the mezzanine floor upstairs being a prime example). This brings me to some bold changes we will be making before Christmas. Bold changes that I am 100% confident will provide the best possible training experience for you and a more focussed, structured, uncluttered environment for you to spend your time with each other and us.
I have taken the decision for us as a business to work with LESS people going forward. Diluting what we do diminishes the attention we can give to each individual member and reduces the impact of our service. By continuously looking for MORE members to pay for spiralling operating costs my eye has been taken off the ball of WHY I originally started Unique Results – to make a real difference and enhance the lives of our members. For this reason I’ve reduced our membership cap from 300 to 200 with immediate effect. We’re almost there already which is why I’ve decided to close our membership until January.

We will be removing all of our old fixed resistance machines (all the seated ones in the middle unit) to make way for more versatile and functional resistance equipment. I believe there are far better ways to train. I’ve not trained on any fixed resistance machines myself for over a decade so why should I ask and expect you to when I KNOW there are other methods that are more effective, empowering and fun. I realise this change will require more education and training for some of you which is another reason why we are now more staffed than ever before. I don’t want you doing stuff that’s easy and convenient’ I want you training in a way that’s going to help you move better and get stronger – for life outside UR.
The Boxing ring upstairs will be going and the whole of the upstairs will be re-matted to create a really spacious open training area for all movement based classes such as Pure Stretch, Pilates, Ground Force Method, Kettlebells, Macebells and Indian Clubs. All of the boxing bags will stay upstairs and boxing classes will remain as normal but with the benefit of more space to move around and offer a better overall experience.
We will be focussing what we do into 2 units rather than 3 meaning we are using our space more wisely and effectively including doing more personal training upstairs (when other classes are not running) and as previously mentioned investing in more versatile equipment and making better use of our space. Spinning will have its own dedicated area in the current studio 3 and we will also have a larger coffee/relaxation area at the rear of that unit (from where the kettlebells are currently stored).

The whole studio will be refurbished and redecorated giving it a fresh, energetic and vibrant feel. No more magnolia! As previously mentioned there will be new flooring upstairs and new wooden flooring at the rear of studio 3 with some new comfy leather armchairs, sofa, coffee tables etc
The new equipment we are bringing in and the refurbishment will see an immediate investment of well over £10,000 and will set up the studio for the next 5 years and will be in alignment with our vision, values and training principles.
We will be closing UR for 4 days to carry out all of this work (we will be working round the clock with carpenters, electricians, plumbers, decorators – and all of the UR staff) so that when we re-open your new studio will blow you away. This is not a cosmetic, surface makeover. This is a fundamental refining of how we will be helping you moving forward in line with our training philosophy and principles. The studio will be closed from Thursday 28th November – Sunday 1st December and will re-open on Monday 2nd December.
I’ve steered the direction and running of Unique Results successfully for over 12 years through highs & lows, ups & downs and through various challenges so hopefully you will trust me with these changes and refinements over the next few months. As always, if you have any questions, feedback or concerns please contact me directly and we can sit down and have a coffee and chat. I am so excited to hit 2020 running with an upgraded training space, more clarity of vision, a fantastic training team and to serve you in the best possible way we can.