The Mind Is A Powerful Thing.

Today’s blog has been written by Nikki Fischr  – Admin Manager and Personal Trainer here at Unique Results. So what is MINDSET? The dictionary definition is – the established set of attitudes held by someone. There are two main types of mindset – FIXED and GROWTH Most people have a FIXED mindset and these people […]

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Do You Stretch Everyday?

Do you wake up in the morning with muscles feeling tight from the previous days activities, or during the day when performing a task, do you feel your movement is restricted and lacks range? If this is you then you should consider introducing stretching into your daily routine and if you partake in any type […]

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Move well. Move often

Having been in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years now I’ve seen many trends come and go, and some come and stick around. Like fashion, everything seems to be cyclical – if you keep something in your wardrobe long enough it will eventually become ‘trendy’ again (or so I hope). However some […]

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Exercise: Fit For Mental Health

This blog has been written by Aimee Kingsbury; friend of Unique Results. We know that physical exercise can be used to really improve the body’s physical health, but did you know that the impact on mental health could be just as great? 1 in 4 people will suffer a mental health problem at some point […]

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5 months a Carnivore

Disclaimer This blog is intended to share my own personal experiences & opinions and is in no way to be taken as advice or recommendation as to what anyone else should try or do. I am NOT an expert within this subject matter so please do your own research, consult with experts and take medical […]

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12 Ways To Survive The Festive Season

This blog has been written by Nikki Fischr, Personal Trainer and Admin Manager at Unique Results. 2020 has certainly been a strange and very different year and at this time how we will be celebrating and spending Christmas is not clear.  Will we be able to see our entire family or will we just be […]

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2020. Don’t look back in anger.

This blog has been written by Mark Laybourn, Personal Trainer, Body Control Pilates Teacher & Sports Massage Therapist here at Unique Results. 2020. An incredibly tough year for us all. Who would of thought that back in 2019 that we’d be moving into a year where we’re stuck inside, nowhere to go, no one to […]

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Less Is Sometimes More.

One of my favourite sayings is: “You can do anything, but you can’t do everything” I have lived this a lot in the last year with my own training and the need to be selective and purposeful with how I choose to spend my valuable time. It would be brilliant to do a little bit […]

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